Transforming CO2 intoa rock-solid concrete

Concrete climate actions

Carbonaide provides award winning technology to utilize and store carbon dioxide in the precast concrete industry. Our mission is to turn concrete from a large emission source into a carbon sink.


This is Carbonaide

Our technology

Carbonaide offers the most effective and robust carbonization technology for pre-cast concrete manufacturers. We master both carbon curing and sustainable carbon dioxide value chains.

Our technology is fully compatible with Portland cement mixtures. With Carbonaide technology, the concrete manufacturer can reduce cement consumption in daily production and decrease the carbon footprint of the products further by mineralizing CO2 into concrete.

Our award-winning carbon curing technology also enables the production of carbon-negative concrete. In combination with low carbon footprint binders, mineralized CO2 turns concrete carbon footprint into negative. With Carbonaide technology, your precast plant may become a carbon sink.

Carbonaide technology originates from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. We have strong support from the local pre-cast industry and the Finnish concrete sector. Carbonaide is not only a technology but an initiative to turn concrete from an emission source into a carbon sink.


We are done talking.
Time for concrete actions.


Carbonaide starts international expansion – New sales office opened in Stockholm, Sweden

Following the recent news about receiving Business Finland DTA funding for technology commercialization, we are happy to announce that Carbonaide has opened a new Scandinavian sales office in Stockholm.

You can find us in Stadshagen on Kungsholmen. The visiting address is Strandbergsgatan 61, 112 51 Stockholm

The Carbonaide technology has been proven and our services are now ready for large-scale commercial implementation. We believe the time is right for us to start our international expansion.

There are clear signs that the decarbonization of hard-to-bate industries, such as concrete, construction, and steel, is taking off in Europe. The new office will be the focal point of our customer acquisition activities.

“We are excited to open our new sales office in Stockholm,” said Tapio Vehmas, CEO of Carbonaide. “We are seeing a growing interest in our technology from European concrete manufacturers. The new office will help us to capitalize on this interest and to further expand our reach in the international market.”

Carbonaide’s technology has the potential to revolutionize the way concrete is produced and used. By utilizing carbon dioxide in concrete production and permanently storing carbon as carbonates in concrete, Carbonaide’s technology can help to reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry.

We already have many promising discussions ongoing with European concrete and steel manufacturers about new carbonization projects. The new office will play a key role in driving sales and supporting customers in the region. Expect more news on this front later this year.

