GasumHackathon winners are Carbonaide and Inherit Carbon Solutions

Gasum launched the open innovation competition in January. Each winner offered a different carbon storage solution at the final event.

The Nordic energy company Gasum launched the GasumHackathon innovation competition last January together with BioEconomy Business Accelerator BioPaavo by JAMK University of Applied Sciences and growth company consultancy Kasvu Open. The purpose of the competition was to find a partner with near commercial solutions and interest to take the lead in creating value from the biogenic CO2 produced as a side stream at Gasum’s biogas plants in Finland and Sweden.

Out of the five final entrants two winners have now been chosen. Carbonaide’s solution is to use biogenic CO2 in concrete manufacturing, enabling combination of carbon use and storage, while in the Inherit Carbon Solutions’ mature concept the CO2 will be permanently stored in geological storage.

“The competition has been very exciting and interesting, and the level of the entrants and their solutions was very high. We decided on Carbonaide and Inherit Carbon Solutions as the winners because they had clear value propositions based on carbon reduction, potential fast implementation and good pitches”, says Mikko Syrjänen, Director, Business Development at Gasum.

Read more from Gasum’s press release (20.4.2023)
